Grounded patch notes
Grounded patch notes

grounded patch notes

To show his thanks, Grounded's Game Director, Adam Brennecke, has a special message: /zYoucNfRmm Grounded has reached 1 MILLION players in the first 48 hours! Thank you everyone! YOU are the reason we are having as much as we are, and without you we wouldn't be here! Overall, these important fixes will improve your experience. Similarly, there is a fix for game crashes when saving or loading up Grounded. Players that were encountering issues with crashes when attempting to log in on Windows 7 or Windows 8, should be able to load the game now. Moreover, a fix has been implemented for multiple situations which saw the game crash. According to the blog post by Obsidian, these are now fixed as part of the update. Also, players encountered error messages when joining games and some were unable to get past the welcome screen. Previously, many players were having issues joining or hosting games with friends. The patch notes appear to address important issues surrounding in-game matchmaking and teaming up with your friends. Also, the tweet added that the game will have monthly updates. A tweet was released on Grounded’s official Twitter page which celebrated reaching 1 million players in the first 48 hours. Although new content is also in the works, the first Grounded patch is focused on making basic game improvements.


Now, Obsidian has patched the game with update 0.1.1 and provided players with some info about the changes.

grounded patch notes

The Early Access version of the survival game Grounded launched on July 28.

Grounded patch notes